
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Global Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials Industry Stage of Development, Global Activity and Market Opportunities

Global Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials Industry Stage of Development, Global Activity and Market Opportunities: Nanotechnology applications and nanomaterials are being applied across a raft of industries due to their outstanding magnetic, optical, catalytic and electronic properties. There are already established market for nanomaterials including titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, silicon oxide nanopowders and carbon nanotubes, nanofibers, nanosilver, nanoclays, quantum dots and nanoporous materials driven by demand from applications in filtration, electronics, cosmetics, energy, medicine, chemicals, coatings and catalysts. Recent breakthroughs have heralded new market opportunities in graphene and nanocellulose. This new 696-page report from Future Market, Inc., the world’s leading provider of nanotechnology and nanomaterials information and publisher of Nanotech Magazine, provides a comprehensive insight into all aspects of the market for these materials.

Posted by Mike Favale
Tellcar Innovations ,LLC
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